Course Objectives
Curriculum Learning Objectives
Define meanings of leadership in the context of healthcare and medical practice, and for TTR specifically
Discuss the value and skills of leading through influence and collaboration
Describe leadership as distinct from authority or role/position
Work collaboratively across disciplinary differences to set common objectives and execute
Identify self-practices and skills that fit into a leadership paradigm; knowing purpose; goal-setting and collaboration on multiple levels with peers, superiors and subordinates; communicate effectively across cultural differences; manage and resolve conflict for effective co-working
Discuss power differentials in leadership, and how an individual can work effectively at different levels within a hierarchy
Reflect on how aspects of identity intersect with systems to influence and shape leadership expectations, experiences, journeys, and contexts.
Identify resources available for leadership development that can be used to construct a leadership development plan for TTR students to draw on in residency
Opening Panel Discussion
Leading in the Profession: Understanding the changing landscapes for medicine in Canada
Discuss the current health care and professional context, including forces and sources of change, opportunity and development
Describe key opportunities and challenges for leadership in the health ecosystem, and how they impact physicians, including social, population, and organizational changes
Identify shifts in professional identity and emerging roles and opportunities for leadership
Describe senior leaders’ (panel guests) leadership journeys and how leadership needs and challenges change over time
Unit 1: Leading Self and Others in Context
Leading Self: Managing yourself as a leader
Reflect on the importance of and define “Leading Self” as future leaders
Reflect on their top values and how these values have informed decisions in their life so far and contribute to leadership effectiveness
Apply the different capabilities of the Leading Self domain using a case study and breakout rooms (self-awareness, manage self, develop self, demonstrate character)
Identify strategies to waste less time and achieve goals
Practice self-reflection, including strategies to develop personal resilience, recognizing the need for support, and examining options
Leading (with) Others: Power of collaboration for leadership in medicine and healthcare
Explore the need for collaborative leadership to improve quality care and patient safety
Differentiate between types of team leadership
Discuss the benefits of teamwork
Apply a pathway to inter- and intra-professionally collaborative relationship building
Defend value of common goal in collaborative leadership
Relate group process to team formation
Analyze attributes of highly skilled interdisciplinary/interprofessional practice teams
Describe collaborative team behaviours for shared decision-making
Explain the need for diversity in teams
Discuss collaborative leadership in practice, enablers and barriers, both organizational and personal
Differentiate between formal and informal leadership’s impact on patient care
Explain barriers and challenges to effective interprofessional collaboration and teamwork
Leading Self with Insight: Emotional intelligence and effective listening
Define “emotional intelligence” and its importance and role in formal and informal leadership
Complete small group exploration and discussion to increase strategies for self-awareness and management
Recognize the importance of self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, and relationship management.
Discuss and demonstrate techniques for active listening
Develop strategies for improving skills within the four pillars of emotional intelligence
Leading Self and Others: Managing conflict as a leader
Discuss the need to understand and confront different types of conflict, including hidden conflict, among members of the team, patients, and other stakeholders
Identify major conflict types and their consequences for group functioning
Understand the role of unresolved ‘conflict debt’ and underlying ‘hidden conflicts’ in creating intractable conflicts in the workplace
Utilize simple tools for uncovering and diagnosing workplace conflict
Leading Self and Others: Leading in intercultural environments through various lenses
Discuss the diversity of Manitoba’s population for leading and managing
Describe the concepts of culture and of self as a cultural being
Explain cultural influences on communication, perception; distinguishing description, interpretation, and evaluation
Explain key findings of work demographics for leadership in the context of leading across difference
Describe strategies for leading across multicultural teams
Intersections of Identity and Systems in Leadership
Describe the concept of the “leaky pipeline” in leadership and identify the system factors that contribute to the leaky pipeline
Challenge the notions of “colorblindness” and “meritocracy” in leadership
Critically reflect on the concept of intersectionality and the different experiences, opportunities, and contexts that diverse individuals encounter in leadership
Identify and apply strategies for navigating systems such as whiteness, racism, sexism, homophobia or ableism in leadership contexts
Unit 2: Negotiation for Success
Social Influence and 'Issue Selling' for Resolving Conflict
Describe the most common forms of interpersonal conflict
Identify the bases of personal power
Critically reflect on how both formal and informal bases of power can be used to enhance our social influence.
Learn, discuss, and apply effective tactics for "issue selling" and social influence
Explain how effective social influence can help to defuse tensions and conflicts
Leading and Managing Conflict through Negotiation
Recognize the hallmarks of negotiable situations and become more comfortable initiating negotiations
Practice basic tactics for integrative (value creating) and distributive (value claiming) forms of negotiation
Prepare for negotiation and manage the negotiation process
Describe the 'deal checklist' as a tool for ensuring that value is not "left on the table"
Discuss common challenges and barriers to effective negotiating
Unit 3: Providing Leadership in Change
Leadership and Change in Complex Environments
Describe basic principles of leadership in complex environments
Evaluate approaches to change at the personal (micro) and group (meso) level
Implement a change management strategy in a complex educational environment
Developing a Change Project
Identify a challenging situation requiring change
Create and deliver a three-minute presentation summarizing the situation and accompanying challenges
Change Project Presentations
Identify a challenging situation requiring change and then develop strategies for change, using lessons learned from the TTR Leadership Course
Advocate for an approach to change using a ‘three-minute thesis’ model
Provide collaborative constructive feedback using a coaching approach, to clarify goals, reality, options, and next steps
Closing Plenary
Lessons Learned from Leadership
Apply concepts learned in the module to a real world example of leadership in change